Earthly Body Located: Shirley Dermond, 87 - Georgia

The Putnam County Sheriff confirms to Channel 2 Action News that a body pulled from Lake Oconee late Friday afternoon is likely that of Shirley Dermond.

Dermond disappeared two weeks ago after her husband, Russell Dermond, 88, was found decapitated at the couple's home on Lake Oconee.

Putnam County Sheriff Howard Sills said the body, found shortly after 3 p.m. Friday, fit the description of Shirley Dermond.

Sills said they body was likely transported to the area of the lake that her body was found in, but did not get into detail about a cause of death.

Sills said there were no signs of trauma to the body, but it was defintely a homicide.

The sheriff said Shirley Dermond's body will be taken to the state crime lab in Atlanta for an autopsy.

Earlier in the day, Sills told Channel 2's Richard Elliot that in his 40 years in law enforcement, he's never seen a case quite like this.

"It is unusual for me at this point in the investigation, especially with this many people involved in the investigation, not to have a clear path that we are going down," Sills said.

Sills said his investigators are almost done processing the Dermonds' house for clues. He's even questioned Mrs. Dermond's bridge club.
It's been two weeks since someone killed and then beheaded 88-year-old Russell Dermond and possibly kidnapped his 87-year-old wife Shirley.
Sills says most killings usually involve some kind of criminal activity but that doesn't appear to be the case with the Dermonds, someone he calls an all-American couple.

"The associations that would normally be with a crime like this, much less one as bizarre as this, are not here. So that leaves us looking at everybody and everything," Sills said.

Other than using the Georgia Bureau of Investigation crime lab, Sills has declined to call in GBI investigators.

Elliot spoke on the phone with the Dermonds' son Keith in Jacksonville.  He didn't want to be recorded but did tell Elliot that bringing in more investigators would be a good idea.

"The more people we have looking at things, who knows? The more resources, the more people, it would be better off. I don't know why the GBI wouldn't be involved," Keith Dermond said.

Sills maintains his investigation is very thorough.

"The idea here is to find out who these people would have some sort of problem with a rather somebody had a problem with them. And you do that by literally trying to identify every human they know," said Sills.

Anyone with information on this case is asked to contact the Putnam County Sheriff's Office at 706-485-8557.

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