LostNMissing Inc, 26 Noyes Rd., Londonderry, NH 03053 Phone: 603.548.6548.
Our services and support to the families continue to be provided, for those registered with our organization, from the time their loved one goes missing until they are located. Many relationships with families are maintained even after their loved one is located. How could it not? A bond is instantly formed and our devotion, compassion and continued focus to help bring home their loved one…we invariably come to love them as part of our own family at LNM.
It is our hope that you happened upon our website for educational purposes and to view our database with the hopes of recognizing a missing person, and not because you are experiencing the pain
of a missing loved one. If you are here for that reason, please know we will do all possible to guide and assist you towards locating your missing family member.
The Team at LostNMissing, Inc.
of a missing loved one. If you are here for that reason, please know we will do all possible to guide and assist you towards locating your missing family member.
The Team at LostNMissing, Inc.
About Our work:
In the United States nearly 2,000 go missing every day. LostNMissing (LNM) has successfully located many registered missing loved ones to bring them home to their families. We work hand-in-hand with families and law enforcement. As a full-volunteer 501c(3) Nonprofit organization, we partner with law enforcement, and families, to deliver solutions that helps bring awareness to locate their missing family member. While we do assist with services for missing children our primary focus is missing adults as they are the ones most in need of media attention and tend to have a long-term missing status. Our services are designed specifically to help bring media and public awareness of missing who have official police reports and case numbers. Utilizing combined decades of industry experience, a number of our own staff members have experienced the same traumas of having a missing family member. We provide our expertise and services so that no family has to endure the pain of feeling alone or that not enough help is provided. Many times, in conjunction with law enforcement approval, we will help organize search and rescue by professional Search and Rescue teams, aid with obtaining billboards in the community to bring awareness and organize special events that help bring the media back to cases that are unsolved.
LostNMissing has consistently earned a GOLD LEVEL achievement from Guide Star, every year since their inception, for the responsibility of providing their transparency of financial records, required IRS reporting, and Charting Impact report (goals, strategies, capabilities, indicators, and progress.)
For the more difficult cases, such as missing due to foul play, self-harm, emotional distress or to accidents (such as lost in the mountains, or woods) LNM utilizes the resources within the community where the missing loved disappeared. This involves working direct with law enforcement, Fish & Game and professional Search and Rescue teams. While LNM does not do physical searches, they do subcontract for those services to be provided when approved by law enforcement.
The LNM team work with all media, provide events for families, guide and support them through their terrifying ordeal of having a loved one lost. The services provided enables families of missing to have hope and peace of mind in knowing that all the necessary steps are taking place. The LNM Team interacts on a daily basis with law enforcement and a number of families who are seeking missing loved ones. They also guide and link families together who need the additional support of those who’ve already experienced and have found their missing loved one. Many of those families are also Support Members at LNM. We also design unique banners and missing posters of missing loved ones which are posted on literally hundreds of Internet web pages, blogs, forums and numerous social network sites with the hopes that a missing person will be recognized. LNM realizes the importance that posters will always have, however, posters are usually too large to embed in emails and on individual web pages of those wanting to assist in getting the message out to the public. Thus banners are also designed, often colorful and reflective of the person missing and sized to fit most Internet sites and provides enough room to provide details. LNM will make individual websites for families of missing as well as Facebook pages in which various photos of the missing is displayed. Videos are also made to help bring awareness online through YouTube and other video websites, as well. The online links, posters, and videos are picked up by other social network users and forwarded to their friends who continue the forwarding process and invariably recognition has been made and a loved one is brought home safely.
LNM also realizes the importance of community support by educating the public on helping to keep their families safe and attending various “Safety Day” events in which fingerprint kits along with informative brochures on safety are provided free to the public
- Assists with searching for missing loved one nationally in the US.
- Subcontract assistance for SAR (Search and Rescue) when approved by Law Enforcement.
- Design and create missing posters and other articles of attention for awareness of the missing loved one.
- Assist with media relations, public awareness campaigns and events for families of missing.
- Work with family, and law enforcement, through positive and encouraging words and support to help locate missing loved one.
- Counsel and provide a plan of action as well as assisting families by providing outreach with other various entities that may aid the family, through the family approval.
- Utilize numerous social networking sites to post missing, as well as adding to our own website/database.
- Provide educational materials for the public on safe practices to avoid becoming a missing person statistic and what to do should a family member go missing.
- Campaign awareness of social, emotional and medical issues that are commonly known factors that could cause a person to become lost or missing. (Ex: Autism and wandering.)
- Provide hands-on tools and informational handouts to assist with locating a missing loved one.
- Organize community and donor services to assist families of missing.
- Intervention consultations to assist families when law enforcement duties may not be clear or when a family feels they are not receiving enough assistance from their police agency.
- Introduce families of missing to other families, who have experienced the same, for additional support and to assist in guiding through the processes of their experiences and to aid in supporting one another. (especially if from the same community.)
- Help bring new life into cold cases through various media and arts awareness.
- Hold community events (at present in New England, only) for awareness of services and educational programs as well as available for speaking engagements.
Over 2,000 loved ones go missing every day in the USA, some of those may be our Active Military members, Veterans or immediate family members of Active Duty. We want to be sure that they receive needed attention and awareness of their missing status so that they may be located and brought home safely. (This does not include AWOL.) To view our Facebook page, specific for Military missing, please click banner or click here. If you know the name of the missing loved one you can search this database, as well.
The possibility always exists that our missing loved ones may have been found passed away, and without identification. Therefore, we have a strong passion to utilize all available tools to find our missing and this includes cross checking our missing as a possible UID. (Unidentified Deceased) We believe those who are unidentified need their names, their families need to know all with the hopes to bring needed answers and their loved ones home for a proper burial. We have a Facebook Page for LostNMissing Unidentified, as well as a Blogspot. Please help by reviewing as you may hold the needed answers.
We, at LNM, are always developing new insights and techniques to find our missing and will utilize numerous social networking sites to help gather public awareness and assistance. Additionally, we have programs designed specifically to help educate the public on safety as well as our present campaign “Friends Don’t Let Friends Leave Alone” which is targeted towards our college age students to educate them on the message of “You came together, you leave together” so that they are always utilizing a buddy system. We’ve seen far too many young brilliant minds, with grieving families left behind, who have gone missing after a group alcohol-excursion and invariably one may wander from the group and become a missing person. Most often they are finally located, deceased, and usually the cause is a “death by drowning.” Nearly all could have been saved had they not left the group alone to go back to their dorms or home.
Cynthia Caron started LostNMissing as a grass roots organization in 2006 and obtained a corporate status and 501c3 Nonprofit status in 2008. In 2014, due to a very rare and chronic medical condition, she has turned over the day to day operations to her Senior Management Teams.
Cynthia remains as the President/Nonprofit founder and as an experienced consultant, and Board Member.
In 2008, Cynthia was one of 10 in the United States chosen as The Top Ten “Ultimate Volunteer” by ABC’s The View. She has appeared on numerous media shows from Geraldo Rivera, The Jane Velez Mitchell Show as well as a number of radio and news broadcasts across the country in her work assisting families of missing.
Mary Vitt, Vice-President (On Family Care Leave)
Amy Kinney, Distribution Administrator / Board of Director
Cheryl Brown, Social Media Administrator/ Board of Director
Karen Krepps, Treasurer/Board of Director
Karen Ranoni, Media Spokesperson/Board of Director
Billie Cox, Director of NamUs Program for LostNMissing
Diane Stevens Mayers, Training Manager/Board of Director
Professional Team:
Dr. John Gorvin, Psychologist; Advocate Consultant
Maya Brand, Supportive Counselor
Cynthia Caron, President/ Consultant/Board of Director
Board of Directors:
(In Alphabetical Order)
Cheryl Brown
Cynthia Caron
Amy Kinney
Karen Krepps
Vicki Linginfilter
Karen Ranoni
Diane Stevens Mayer
Mary Vitt
Cynthia Caron
Amy Kinney
Karen Krepps
Vicki Linginfilter
Karen Ranoni
Diane Stevens Mayer
Mary Vitt
To view our State Administrators, click here.
To view our Support members, click here
To request an application to volunteer at LostNMissing Inc, click here.
To support our work with a donation, click here.
We are honored to be recognized with the GreatNonprofit organization.
Katie Couric’s website holds a link to LostNMissing as awareness for those suffering the loss of a missing loved one. Additionally, LostNMissing Inc. was voted a top 25 Finalist in the 2011 Stay Classy Awards for Best New Small Nonprofits in the United States.