Missing Lelia Faulkner – July 04, 2016 – Troy, AL

Missing: Lelia Faulkner
Missing from: Troy, AL
Last seen: July 04, 2016
Age at time: 29 Years old
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 125 – 135 lbs.
Eyes: Blue-Gray
Hair: Blonde
Tattoo: On foot, (unknown which) Chinese letters for "success"

Police Agency: If info, or seen, please call the Pike County Sheriff's office at (334) 566-4347.

Circumstance: Leila has not been seen or heard from since July 4 when she spent time with family members. The Pike County Sheriff's Office is investigating her disappearance. Her family is very worried about her after not having any contact with her in weeks. She has not made any posts on her social media accounts. It is out of her character to not make contact with family, or friends.  Has her purse, phone (goes to VM), and tablet with her.

*Note, first name may be spelled online incorrect as Leila, when it is Lelia, pronounced "Lay-Lah"

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