"Every missing person is someone's loved one."
Phone: 603-548-6548
This is our blog, NOT our official website,
For our official website, see :
Rarely do you find an organization which is so committed to one mission, one purpose–and that is working hard and supporting families while working with law enforcement with helping to find missing loved ones. We work across the United States, 365 days a year.
The entire team at LostNMissing are compassionate, devoted and dedicated. All are 100% volunteers including the Founder and Board Members. We do great work on a tight budget.
Won’t you please support our work with a small donation? Thank you.
LostNMissing Inc. is a state and federally recognized, 100% volunteer, 501c(3) Non-Profit charitable organization to assist law enforcement and the families of missing.
WAYS TO DONATE ~ Choose your option below! Thank you. Click yellow button to Donate via PayPal

All donors will receive a tax deductible receipt.
Tax Exempt Determination Letter
# 17053293351009
Employer ID 27-0642181
Public Charity Status 170 (b) (1) (A) (vi)
Effective date of Exemption: September 28, 2009
501c(3) Approved Nonprofit
Some examples of where your monetary donations go:
Marketing and services for the families of missing loved ones.
Creating websites for missing loved ones.
Costs towards Fundraisers and Events to help bring awareness of missing loved ones.
Search and Rescue Expenses (we subcontract & pay expenses)
Support for family travel expenses should a loved one be located.
Vinyl Banners, missing posters & mini poster cards for missing loved ones.
Assistance towards investigative services for missing adults.
Educational Workshops
A minimal amount used towards:
Workshop Binders, printing, paper, pens, and handout materials.
Mailing, postal supplies, office maintenance, computer maintenance,
LNM website fee and supplies.
LNM website fee and supplies.
Brochures and printed materials.
As we grow, our goals are to be able to provide:
Provide Billboards for the families we represent should a loved one be missing for six-months, or longer.
Assistance towards Reward ($500) for families we represent should a loved one be missing longer than 3 months.
We thank you for your support. Our families thank you,
as well.
as well.
An excellent PDF guide on what to look for when donating to charity organizations:
Click here
Click here
Corporate Sponsors
We value the relationship with our
Corporate Sponsors. Maintaining those relationships is very important
to us. We will work with all corporate accounts to be sure that your
staff has access to our training materials and/or workshops on a variety
of topics to help keep them and their families safe. Please consider a
tax deductible corporate donation to LostNMissing. We will recognize Companies, Businesses, (online and home-based, too) along with all Corporations who provide monetary or in-kind donations on our website at this link.
Thank you.