AT-RISK #MISSING: Joseph D'Auria, 16 - Long Island, NEW YORK (despondent - emotionally endangered - needs medication)

The teenage son of a veteran New York  journalist is missing after running away from a Long Island drug rehab center last week.
Carol D'Auria, a reporter at 1010 WINS, tweeted Sunday that 16-year-old Joseph suffers from depression, is "emotionally endangered," and "needs meds."
"I'm beside myself. I'll do anything to have my son back," she told the Post. "I just want him home so he gets better."
NYPD brass sent out supportive tweets
"C'mon kid. Get Home. Be safe," said Zach Tumin, an NYPD's deputy commissioner.
A missing person report has been filed with the Suffolk police.
D'Auria's tweet includes a picture of her son with hair to his shoulders. His mom says it's shorter now.
LostNMissing Inc.

LostNMissing Inc., is an all-volunteer national tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (the "code") and qualifies as a public supported organization under Sections, or Categories: P99 (Human Services - Multipurpose and Other N.E.C.); M99 (Other Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness, and Relief N.E.C.); I01 (Alliance/Advocacy Organizations). LostNMissing is organized and incorporated under the laws of the State of New Hampshire. We never charge a fee for our services.

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