Located Safe: Evelyn & Jesus Godines & their 3 children - California

Evelyn and Jesus Godines and their 3 young children have been located and are safe.
Evelyn's mother contacted the Tulare County Sheriff's Office on February 3, after not seeing or hearing from her daughter since January 19.
Sheriff's officers say the family is fine and that no foul play is involved.

LostNMissing Inc.

LostNMissing Inc., is an all-volunteer national tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (the "code") and qualifies as a public supported organization under Sections, or Categories: P99 (Human Services - Multipurpose and Other N.E.C.); M99 (Other Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness, and Relief N.E.C.); I01 (Alliance/Advocacy Organizations). LostNMissing is organized and incorporated under the laws of the State of New Hampshire. We never charge a fee for our services.

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