URGENT #MISSING: Arletha Bennett, 77 - Waynesboro, GEORGIA (Alzheimer's)

"We don't know where she is and we want to find her, that's our job," said Chief Augustus Palmer III with the Waynesboro Police Department.
It's been the same story for a week, searching for answers as to where 77-year-old, Arletha Bennett, could be.
"If you ever knew her, you wouldn't forget her," explained Johnnie Schisler, who was a student under Bennett years ago.
She and dozens of others braved the below freezing temperatures, to search for someone who might have lost her way.
"One of your neighbors is missing, and no one has no idea as to where she's at," said Schisler.
The search started just after ten this morning. ATV's scattered the area, and helicopters buzzed overhead. A small glimmer of hope still sits in these first responders heads.
"We haven't given up hope yet," said Investigator, Teddy Jackson.
In fact, law enforcement is extending out the search.
"Probably a 15 to 20 mile area just out there," said Jackson. "We're going to cover a lot of places that we've already been here in town."
Volunteers like Lisa Wingate was here early at 9 am, anxious and ready.
"Everybody wants an answer, we need to know if she's ok," said Wingate.
She's searching for a woman, she's never even met.
"If it was my grandmother or family member, I would like to think someone would come out and help," she said.
She and others covered ground on foot, making sure no stone was left unturned.
"Hoping that we will have some success in finding her," said Schisler. "There's been some restless nights ever since she went missing."
None of these folks are giving up until she's back in her family's arms.
"The only thing we're doing is trying to enhance the search maybe to try to locate her," said Investigator Jackson.

LostNMissing Inc.

LostNMissing Inc., is an all-volunteer national tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (the "code") and qualifies as a public supported organization under Sections, or Categories: P99 (Human Services - Multipurpose and Other N.E.C.); M99 (Other Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness, and Relief N.E.C.); I01 (Alliance/Advocacy Organizations). LostNMissing is organized and incorporated under the laws of the State of New Hampshire. We never charge a fee for our services.

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