#MISSING: Kennedy Rios, 21 - Ventnor, NEW JERSEY

About 40 people met at Ski Beach on Friday afternoon to search for clues on the disappearance of 21-year-old Ventnor resident Kennedy Rios, who has been missing since Jan. 8.

Police K9s had tracked Rios' scent from Ventnor Avenue, where he had attended a party at a friend's house the night of his disappearance, to Ski Beach, the area by the bay at the end of Dorset Avenue in Ventnor Heights.
State Police divers searched the bay using sonar devices, but didn't find anything.
Friday's group, which included Rios' family and friends, neighbors and strangers, walked along the bay and the surrounding streets with missing person posters, which they posted on poles and slipped in mailboxes.
Greg Scalia, a neighbor who didn't know Kennedy but has children his age and said he could relate to the family's distress, knocked on doors handing out the posters and asking homeowners if they had a surveillance camera, and if so, if they could check it to see if it captured Rios passing by.
"I was walking around the edge of the bay and a guy said to me, 'What are you looking for?' He didn't know about it," Scalia said. "We need to get the word out there that this kid is missing and we need to bring Kennedy home."
Kennedy's sister, Luz, 25, said the Ventnor police are still investigating the case and plan to give the family an update on their investigation Monday morning.
So far there have been no leads, however, a surveillance camera captured him leaving the party the night he went missing without a coat, gloves, hat or cell phone in single-digit weather.
Anyone with tips is asked to call Ventnor Police at 609-822-2101.

LostNMissing Inc.

LostNMissing Inc., is an all-volunteer national tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (the "code") and qualifies as a public supported organization under Sections, or Categories: P99 (Human Services - Multipurpose and Other N.E.C.); M99 (Other Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness, and Relief N.E.C.); I01 (Alliance/Advocacy Organizations). LostNMissing is organized and incorporated under the laws of the State of New Hampshire. We never charge a fee for our services.

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