Billy's Law and NamUs - IMPORTANT for Mising

From: "Maureen Reintjes - NamUs Victim Advocate - KS" <>

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We need help!!!

We desperately need your help.  The Help Find the Missing Act (Billy's Law) is what will strengthen NamUs.  After an almost successful run to make it a federal law, only one Senator stopped the bill from becoming law, all others in the House and Senate saw it as extraordinary legislation, so we are now in a reintroduction phase.  The slate has been wiped clean so we are starting from scratch. During this phase we need everyone's help to get this reintroduced as a bipartisan federal bill.  US Senator Chris Murphy (Democrat) from Connecticut is the sponsor of this bill but he needs a Republican US Senator to cosponsor with him to make this a bipartisan bill, as it should be!

In our past effort to make this federal law it was only a handful of us promoting the bill.  This time we need everyone's help.  We would like to see each state have a Facebook page to promote the bill through all phases from reintroduction to passage.  This is why we are writing to you.  We are requesting that each of you set up a state Facebook page and organize the people of your state to help with this initiative. If none of the NamUs state advocates in your state can take this on we ask that you suggest someone we can approach who can that you know beyond a doubt knows the world of the missing.

Peace for Missing and Unidentified Persons will serve as the main site for all current information and updates for Billy's Law.  And, will serve as a resource point for the state Facebook pages. Please note that until reintroduced there is no bill number for House or Senate.  Please refer to and not old blogs that contain old information with old bill numbers listed.

The first state Facebook page went up last night for the great state of Kansas.  :)

On it you will find a template letter and Republican US Senator contact information.  If you don't know how to set up a Facebook page no worries!  We will help you!

Please let us know if you can help!  We need these pages setup in the next week and memberships building on them.  Once you let us know that you can help we will send you directions on how to setup the site, logo to use, etc.

Thanks for your time and all you do!

Maureen Reintjes
NamUs Victim Advocate - KS

Peace for Missing and Unidentified Persons  
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Contact Information



Each of us can be contacted on Facebook or on  
Peace for Missing and Unidentified Persons.

Maureen Reintjes (NamUs Victim Advocate) 

Jan Smolinski (Billy's Mom/NamUs Victim Advocate) 

Larry Ramsdell (Strategist) 

Todd Matthews (NamUs Representative)

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Peace for Missing and Unidentified Persons | 6036 W. 50th St. | Mission | KS | 66202

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