Missing: Timur Mardeyev
Nicknames: Ratmir Maruna
Race: W Sex: M
Last Seen: November 29, 2011
Location last seen: Grove, Oklahoma
Age at time missing: 27 years old
Height: 6'0 � 6'1″
Weight: 180 pounds
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Other: Strong Russian accent
Transportation: 2010 Navy Blue Hyundai Sante Fe (SUV) � Oklahoma license plate number 51312C � Vehicle was located as abandoned in Tulsa, OK with keys in ignition.
Police Agency: Grove Oklahoma Police Department at 918-786-6121 , or your local police.
Case Number: C11-1200 NamUs case # 14261
Circumstances: Timur Mardeyev was born and from the Central Asian nation of Kazakhstan and was in the United States on a work visa in 2011. He was visiting, and working, with his sister and brother-in-law in Grove, Oklahoma and was in the process of house-hunting for a permanent home. He was to receive his paperwork which enables him to stay and work longer in the USA. Timur had a fiancé in Russia that he was going to fly back home to marry in February 2012. Nobody knows why, but on the day he went missing he seemed "snappy" and a bit withdrawn. When he, and his brother in law, got back to their worksite, an hour later than usual, Timur immediately got into his vehicle, and did not wait for it to warm up as he normally does, and drove off horridly and was never seen again.
His family filed a missing persons report. On December 9, 2011, his vehicle was located and towed from a convenience store parking lot where it had been abandoned in Tulsa, Oklahoma. According to the GPS in the SUV, it showed that his car was parked in front of the "Riverspirit Casino" for an hour that eve, then it left and was parked again at the "Batman Convenience Store" in the 1400 block of north Mingo Road where it was left abandoned with the keys in the ignition. His keys, expensive sunglasses and GPS system were inside the vehicle, along with an open bottle of whiskey and an unopened bottle of Coca Cola. A green "child's" Bible that Timur was keeping in the vehicle for a present to his nephew was missing along with paperwork for his VISA application. Many strange circumstances regarding his SUV such as the seat was clear to the steering wheel when the family went to pick it up. There was gravel in the front and back seats (he kept a meticulously clean car) and the radio was tuned to a heavy rap music channel and he only listened to a Russian station, or his cds, and did not like rap music, at all. Additionally his money change compartment was wiped out with only a penny sitting sideways.
Because the casino has no surveillance tapes, authorities aren't sure whether he actually visited there on the day of his disappearance. According to the GPS, whoever was driving his SUV drove from Grove to Tulsa without stopping and didn't take Timur's usual route. He usually took the turnpike when traveling distances but on the day he disappeared his car turned around at the turnpike toll gates and took another, roundabout route to Tulsa through back streets and routes. His cellular phone was used to access the internet at 11:00 p.m. the night he disappeared, but has been turned off ever since. He was carrying his wallet and passport at the time he went missing and had about $3,000-$5,000 in cash with him.
While Timur was sad, as his mother passed away three years ago and his father only months prior to his missing, his family believes something else has happened to Timur and ask the public to please come forward with whatever information that they may have that can lead to Timur. He has missed the date to pick up his wedding rings and his flight to Russia to wed his fiancé. His sister is extremely worried about him. During his stay he rarely ventured off on his own and only did functions with his sister and her family. He had no friends in the USA and only a few days prior to his disappearance it was learned he had befriended a woman online by using an alias name of Ratmir Maruna,or Ратмир Маруна. (Perhaps so that his fiancé in Russia would not happen upon his page on Badoo.com) and was considering meeting this woman, albeit his family told him that was not good advice as he was to marry. The family believes he may have met this woman and that she has more answers that could help them than she has told. She told the family she only spoke with him once on the phone, however, phone records show they spoke more than once. There's no evidence that he left the country after he vanished. His passport has been flagged so if anyone tries to use it to travel, the authorities will be notified.
Cynthia Caron
LostNMissing, Inc.
Cynthia Caron
LostNMissing, Inc.
NamUs-Victim Advocate (NH)

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