It's been one year since Timur Mardeyev went missing from Grove, Oklahoma.
Police say the 27-year old left Grove around 8 p.m. on November 29, 2011 and his GPS showed he drove to the Will Rogers Turnpike Gate at Afton -- but didn't get on the turnpike.
Mardeyev apparently turned around and drove back through Afton on Hwy. 60 and drove into Tulsa and straight to the River Spirit Casino. This has his sister, Gulnara Brown, whom he was staying with, puzzled. She says "Timur never frequented the casino. He always drove on highways and rarely, if ever, on back roads." Police say Mardeyev's GPS indicated he was parked at the casino for an hour, then headed to the Batman convenience store on N. Mingo Road. The vehicle, a 2010 dark blue Hyundai was spotted and finally towed. Mardeyev's keys were still in the ignition, the GPS still on the windshield and the car was unlocked according to police reports.
Brown further added, "When Timur's car was found there was gravel in all floor areas and Timur always kept a meticulous vehicle. We cannot help wonder that he was meeting people and that someone has information on where he went." To further complicate his disappearance, Mardeyev was supposed to fly back home to Russia to marry his fiance and his passport was never used and he never flew back. "He was supposed to go to Jopin the month after he disappeared to pick up his wedding rings and never showed up. It's just not like him to not call or make contact with anyone. He knows how much I worry and love him. We lost both of our parents over the past few years and he is my only sibling." said Brown. "We've tried everything to look for him and realize one of the only ways we believe we will know where he is would be if whomever he was going to meet will come forward." Brown also spoke of the driver seat in the vehicle as being "very close to the dashboard" as if a female, and not Timur, was driving it when left abandonded at the Batman Convenient store.
LostNMissing, Inc, a nonprofit organization has been assisting the family in their search for Timur. Cynthia Caron, President of LostNMissing says "We are of the firm belief that someone has more information on Timur's disappearance and may not even know that their information could be valuable to helping locate him." A green children's Bible was missing from Timur's car that had the enscription on the cover of the name Daniel Christopher Brown. "Perhaps Timur left the Bible somewhere and someone may have found it? Coming forward could help bring clues as to his last known location." says Caron, "it also narrows an area that can be properly searched."
She further added, "It's also a possibility if Timur abandonded his own vehicle and joy-riders happened upon it and they left it at the Batman Convenient mart that should they come forward, or send an anonymous letter, stating where they found the car that it would shed a new light on the disappearance of Timur, as well as a new location to search." "At this point, unless a tip or lead comes the Tulsa police will not assist with the investigation of the case as nobody can truly pinpoint or say that Timur himself was in this location." adds Brown.
For now the family will recognize the anniversary date of Timur's missing status as one of a somber and sad day. "I did not realize how many go missing and how long it may take to find a loved one, says Brown, I can only hope that whomever has information that helps us find Timur will come forward." "I don't want to endure this pain year after year. Having a missing loved one changes your life and it is never the same. The emotions and feelings are overwhelming. Everytime I read that a body has been found I wonder if it could be Timur?" cries Brown.
Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Timur Mardeyev or has seen him is asked to call the Grove Police Department at 918-786-6121.
Cynthia Caron
LostNMissing, Inc.
NamUs-Victim Advocate (NH)
Phone: 603.965.4621
Cell: 603.548.6548
LostNMissing Inc., is a national tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (the "code") and qualifies as a public supported organization under Sections, or Categories: P99 (Human Services - Multipurpose and Other N.E.C.); M99 (Other Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness, and Relief N.E.C.); I01 (Alliance/Advocacy Organizations). LostNMissing is organized and incorporated under the laws of the State of New Hampshire. We never charge a fee for our services. All Support Members, Board of Directors, Officers and Owner are Volunteers.
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