Missing: Curtis Anthony Porter
Case: Endangered
Nickname: None
Missing From: Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Missing Date: September 22, 2012
Race: African American Sex: Male
Age at Time Missing: 49
Height: 70 in.
Weight: 220 to 250 lbs.
Hair Color: Gray/partially gray, short
Eye Color: Brown
Tattoos: None
Scars/Piercings/Unique Marks: 12-18″ verticle abdominal scar (center of abdomen)
Other: Eyes will involuntarily twitch. Left foot points outward and he will tend to drag the left foot when walking. His left leg is smaller than the right leg.
Police Agency: Winston-Salem Police Dept, Detective K. Israel (336) 773-7881
Case Number: 1252820 NamUs MP # 17809
Circumstance: Porter was upset due to his sister not picking him up, he walked away from a group home and hasn’t been seen since. Last seen wearing a burgandy shirt, burgandy pants, dark colored vest and grey shoes. He may be using a red colored walker to assist in his movements. Porter is missing/endangered due to mental and physical disabilities.
Cynthia Caron
LostNMissing, Inc.
NamUs-Victim Advocate (NH)
Phone: 603.965.4621
Cell: 603.548.6548
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