Missing: Shanna Peoples
Case: Vulnerable Missing (Special Needs)
Alias: Shanna McKee , Shanna Peoples-McKee
Missing From: Geneva, Alabama
Missing Date: September 08, 2011
Race: White Sex: Female
Age at Time Missing: 19 years old
Height: 5’11″ – 6’0″
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair Color: Sandy
Eye Color: Brown
Scars/Piercings/Unique Marks: Birthmark on the inside of her leg just above knee (unknown which leg)
Other: Shanna is very tall. Nearly 6 feet. She has long hair but may have it cut short.
Police: Alabama Bureau of Investigation (Spc. Agent Mike Gillis)
334-983-5614 ; FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation Sr. Resident Agent,
Susan Hanson (334) 792-7130, 9-1-1 or your local police if seen
Case Number: 105050 NamUs case #12539
Shanna Peoples was last seen on September 8, 2011. She was wearing
White pants, Blue and Green blouse with Flip Flops. She has Sandy blonde
hair and 5’11″ to 6’00″ tall. She has a slight learning disability.
Shanna loves pizza, hamburgers and macaroni and cheese. She loves to eat
raw onions and carrots. Shanna loves candy! Especially sour worms! She
almost always drinks Coca-Cola or Pepsi.
She likes wearing skirts
and casual clothes. She loves flip flops. Shanna is afraid of the dark
and of lightning and storms. Her favorite music is Lady Antebellum, and
her favorite song is “On the Wings of Love” by Jeffrey Osbourne.
Shanna loves going to the movies and riding her bikes. Shanna has huge
dimples and loves all people, although is still rather shy.
Case: Vulnerable Missing (Special Needs)
Alias: Shanna McKee , Shanna Peoples-McKee
Missing From: Geneva, Alabama
Height: 5’11″ – 6’0″
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair Color: Sandy
Eye Color: Brown
Scars/Piercings/Unique Marks: Birthmark on the inside of her leg just above knee (unknown which leg)
Other: Shanna is very tall. Nearly 6 feet. She has long hair but may have it cut short.
Police: Alabama Bureau of Investigation (Spc. Agent Mike Gillis) 334-983-5614 ; FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation Sr. Resident Agent, Susan Hanson (334) 792-7130, 9-1-1 or your local police if seen
Case Number: 105050 NamUs case #12539
Shanna Peoples was last seen on September 8, 2011. She was wearing White pants, Blue and Green blouse with Flip Flops. She has Sandy blonde hair and 5’11″ to 6’00″ tall. She has a slight learning disability. Shanna loves pizza, hamburgers and macaroni and cheese. She loves to eat raw onions and carrots. Shanna loves candy! Especially sour worms! She almost always drinks Coca-Cola or Pepsi.
She likes wearing skirts and casual clothes. She loves flip flops. Shanna is afraid of the dark and of lightning and storms. Her favorite music is Lady Antebellum, and her favorite song is “On the Wings of Love” by Jeffrey Osbourne.
Shanna loves going to the movies and riding her bikes. Shanna has huge dimples and loves all people, although is still rather shy.
October 2012 Shanna is still missing. Please share.
Click here for Press ConferenceUpdate on Shanna Peoples - Missing - Alabama
Above photo is a newly released photograph taken prior to Shanna Peoples missing on September 08, 2012. It would be the most recent photo taken of the young woman.

Website established for missing special needs teen
LostNMissing Inc has established a website for missing Shanna Peoples, 19, of Geneva, Alabama
January 19, 2012

LostNMissing Inc. and the family of missing Shanna Peoples have rolled out a new website www.findshanna.com hoping to capture the attention of a wider audience. "I just want our daughter home where we know she will be safe." said Elvis McKee the father of Shanna. "Her mother is not holding up well, losing sleep and having a difficult time with her health and controlling her diabetes." Both parents are battling illness. Shanna's mom, a brittle diabetic, and her father battles extreme high blood pressure and heart ailments.
Elvis explains, "It is very hard in not knowing if my child is safe, well fed and not being abused. All we need is to know where she is, with whom and why they will not let her call home?" Elvis strongly believes that someone, or multiple people, may have talked Shanna into going somewhere and never brought their special needs daughter home. Windy McKee, Shanna's mom, said "All one would have to ask is if she wanted to go to McDonalds and she would have went. Especially if she recognized the person or if they were a mere acquaintance." said McKee. "I just beg whoever has Shanna to allow her to call home. Let us know she is alive and well." her mother cries.
Shanna Genelle Peoples, aka McKee, 19, is missing from Geneva, Alabama since September 08, 2011. She is considered at-risk due to her vulnerability as she is developmentally challenged. Shanna has a speech impediment and cannot read nor write well. She may be under the influence of adult males in their late 40's.
Shanna was reportedly last seen on the afternoon of Sept. 8, 2011 and never returned. Fears exist for her safety as she would never just disappear on her own. Shanna must take needed medication for medical purposes. She does not talk much and is childlike.
Land and air searches have been conducted by the police, Alabama Bureau of Investigation as well as many volunteers. The Geneva police departments along with half a dozen other agencies are utilizing their resources to help look for Shanna.
Her normally long blonde hair may be colored, cut or style changed. She is not hard to miss as she is six-feet tall and thin. Her family ask that the public please help look for Shanna. Both her mother and father have health problems and are extremely stressed since she went missing. On the day she went missing, her father was in the hospital for a heart condition and checked himself out to look for his daughter. He has been back to the hospital twice since her missing status.
Please help this family bring home their loved daughter. The website www.findshanna.com also has a link for public donations towards helping to build the reward fund managed by the family. "At present the state of Alabama has contributed $5,000 towards information leading to the safe return of Shanna." says Cynthia Caron, President and Founder of LostNMissing Inc. "As a mother of a special needs young adult son, my heart aches in just knowing how easily our vulnerable can be taken advantage of. We will do all possible to bring Shanna home to her family." says Caron. "A call was returned from the Dr. Phil Show, to Windy, and we hope to connect soon as this family needs more national attention." explains Caron. "Shanna could be anywhere in the USA by now. We need everyone to look twice at young girls who stand six feet tall." Caron states.
Taken from her website, ABOUT SHANNA:
Shanna loves pizza, hamburgers and macaroni and cheese. She loves to eat raw onions and carrots. Shanna loves candy! Especially sour worms! She almost always drinks Coca-Cola or Pepsi.
She likes wearing skirts and casual clothes. She loves flip flops. Shanna is afraid of the dark and of lightning and storms. Her favorite music is Lady Antebellum, and her favorite song is "On the Wings of Love" by Jeffrey Osbourne.
Shanna loves going to the movies and riding her bikes. Shanna has huge dimples and loves all people, although is still rather shy.
If seen, or tips, please contact the Geneva Police Department, Lt. Ricky Morgan at (334) 684-2777, or call 9-1-1.


MISSING: September 08, 2011
FROM: Geneva County, Alabama
Shanna Peoples, 19, went missing on September 08, 2011 from Geneva County, Alabama. Her family had a somber Thanksgiving in which an empty chair sat that normally would be occupied by her. Peoples’s mother, Windy McKee, says “Thanksgiving was not the same. We really had nothing to celebrate except to pray and ask that whomever is holding our daughter, to please let her go.” Peoples’s stepfather, Elvis McKee, pipes in “Shanna is a wonderful young woman but she is extremely vulnerable and we believe that someone is either holding her against her will, or taking full advantage of her childlike 12-14 year old mentality. We only want her home where she is safe and so that when she does go out we know who she is with and what their intentions are with our daughter.” Peoples also is in need of required medication that has not been filled, nor has she made any attempts to give a location to receive her social security checks, which are being held for her at the Social Security Office.
Her parents is on a fixed income and has reached out to LostNMissing Inc, and KlaasKids, both nonprofit organizations that assists families of missing, to help them locate their daughter. Not a day goes by that they are not out searching, driving up and down streets and talking to people from neighborhood to neighborhood in their search for Peoples. “It’s like she just disappeared,” Elvis said. “Initially she befriended an adult male who is nearly 50 years old. “We were not happy about that,” said Peoples’s mom, “because she is a young woman and needs to associate with those around her own age. He was also quite bossy to her.” Elvis further adds, “While we know the last sighting was at his home, we do not know if someone may have befriended Shanna, one of his friends perhaps?” If that is the case, Peoples could be anywhere as he has friends with ties in Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee and even Missouri. “At this point we are reaching out to the entire United States. Shanna Peoples is easy to spot. She is nearly six-feet tall and that is unusual for a girl.” Elvis said.
A $5,000 reward is offered to whomever provides the information to the Geneva Police Department leading to the safe return of Shanna Peoples, or, information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone responsible for her disappearance.
In the weeks since Peoples has been missing a search was conducted by KlaasKids as well as a Poster and Balloon event sponsored by LostNMissing Inc. KlaasKids also attended and along with family, friends and the public they helped to hang missing posters around various communities. The family asks that the public please look closely at the posters, as “Shanna must be out there somewhere. The alternative is too incomprehensible,” Elvis stated. In the meantime Shanna’s parents gaze out at the empty chair at the table and pray that she will be seated there for the upcoming Christmas dinner. “It just will not be a holiday without her.” Windy cries.
Shanna is 5’11” – 6’0 tall with normally long light brown hair that she colors sandy blonde. It is possible that she may have colored her hair dark, or black as she has mentioned in the past that it was something she would like to do. She has brown eyes and weighs 120 lbs. She cannot read well and does not remember phone numbers or addresses. She also may want to come home but cannot, or is not physically able to reach out to her family for help. The family is pleading with the public to please help look for Shanna.
Anyone with information should call the Geneva Police Department at (334) 684-2777, your local police, or 9-1-1. Missing case # 105050. Shanna is also registered on NamUs.gov. Her case # 12539.
Shanna Genelle Peoples, aka McKee, 19, is missing. She is considered at-risk due to her vulnerability as she is developmentally challenged. She may be under the influence of an adult male over the age of 50. Shanna was reportedly last seen on the afternoon of Sept. 8, 2011 and never returned. Fears exist for her safety as she would never just disappear on her own. Shanna must take needed medication for medical purposes. She does not talk much and exhibits a slight speech impediment.She does not read well.
Land and air searches have been conducted by the police, Alabama Bureau of Investigation as well as many volunteers. The Geneva police departments along with half a dozen other agencies are utilizing their resources to help cover the 4 to 5 mile radius near River Oaks Golf Course. Her family ask that the public please help look for Shanna. LostNMissing Inc is having her missing status entered into NamUs, as well.
Height: (tall) 6'0" Weight: 120 lbs
Eyes: Brown Hair: Long Sandy Blonde

http://dothanfirst.com/fulltext?nxd_id=182067 The family is even more distraught today. This video news is all that was done, 4 days after missing.

Geneva Police Department
Lt. Ricky Morgan
2373 S US Highway 231
Geneva, AL 36340
(334) 684-2777
NCIC Number: M870248685
Help Bring Shanna Peoples home for her family before Christmas