Located Safe: Meghan Cave, 30 - Chicago, Illinois

Meghan Cave has been located safe! Please remove all missing posters to respect her privacy. Thank you. 



Amy Kinney
Missing Alerts Manager
Board of Director
LostNMissing, Inc.
501c(3) Nonprofit 

LostNMissing Inc., assists law enforcement and families of missing with missing persons case numbers assigned by official law enforcement agencies. We are an all-volunteer national tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (the "code") and qualifies as a public supported organization under Sections, or Categories: P99 (Human Services - Multipurpose and Other N.E.C.); M99 (Other Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness, and Relief N.E.C.); I01 (Alliance/Advocacy Organizations). LostNMissing is organized and incorporated under the laws of the State of New Hampshire. We never charge a fee for our services.

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