URGENT #MISSING: Jimmie Davis, 89 - Gary, INDIANA (Alzheimer's - Dementia)

Where is Jimmie Davis?
His court-ordered caretaker knows where Davis' Social Security checks are going, but when police visited the home on Tuesday, Davis wasn't there.
A missing person's report was filed Tuesday when police couldn't locate Davis, 89. Sgt. Dan Callahan has additional concerns because the Glen Park home police visited belongs to Gracie Hathaway's mother. Hathaway once ran Tender Loving Care adult homes in the city, until she was charged with multiple counts of neglect of a dependent and other felonies.
Both the legal guardian and the woman who says she is caring for Davis say they are the best person to provide for him, and accuse the other party of being more interested in Davis' money than his well-being.
Davis suffers from dementia and Alzheimer's disease, Alvin Crenshaw said.
He needs a wheelchair to get around and moves slowly, Crenshaw added.
Crenshaw, of Merrillville, is a registered nurse and certified adult caregiver who has kept Davis at his home since July 2011.
In mid-June, Crenshaw asked Deborah Banks, Hathaway's sister, to take Davis for a few days. "He requires a lot of care," Crenshaw said. After three years, "I needed a little rest," he said.
Banks took Davis and the $900 Crenshaw had agreed to pay. Then she offered to keep him longer, and Crenshaw continued to funnel cash to her from the accounts he manages, keeping a record of each payment — about $1,580 total.
When he learned Davis' Social Security check had been rerouted to Banks' mother's house, Crenshaw took legal action to be named the man's "temporary guardianship without limitations" July 31. A hearing is set for Sept. 25.
Although Crenshaw saw Davis at Banks' mother's home previously, he has not been able to see him lately.
All Banks would say is, "He's with me. I treat him like my granddaddy."
She claimed Crenshaw showed no concern for Davis until he learned she was receiving his Social Security payments.
"Let him go," Banks said. "He's fine and he's at peace."
Banks said she has hired an attorney who will challenge Crenshaw's guardianship in Lake Circuit Court.
"You can't get guardianship for someone you don't even have," she said.
Crenshaw sees it differently.
"Mr. Jimmie Davis is being held for ransom," he said.
He said Hathaway sent him texts last month demanding money to pay rent.
Police began investigating Hathaway's homes after John Woodley, 60, died March 1, 2013. His body temperature was 50 degrees when police found him, Callahan later learned Woodley had been beaten and shot with a stun gun. Hathaway's boyfriend, Eldon Johnson, also is charged with neglect of a dependent, battery and other crimes.
Crenshaw said he was unaware of Hathaway's reputation when he called Banks.
"I made an error in judgment," he said.
Callahan said police are looking for Davis and intend to return him to Crenshaw, based on his legal status.
LostNMissing Inc.

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