MISSING HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Joseph Diorio - Saugus, MASSACHUSETTS (went to Florida for Christmas and hasn't been back)


The Saugus High School principal is gone, and no one seems to know where he is.

Joseph Diorio went to Florida the week before Christmas break and hasn’t been seen since.

“They haven’t really said anything to us yet,” said one student. “I mean like something’s definitely going on, he hasn’t been at school.”

Diorio has been the principal at Saugus High School for years,

At Town Hall Friday, no one would answer WBZ-TV’s questions, and the School Department would not return any calls.

The rumors are flying at school, but so far, teachers and students alike are in the dark.

“It’s just confusing,” said another student.

The Saugus Police say there have been no missing persons reports filed, and there is no criminal investigation.

One parent told WBZ Friday that Diorio is a man of integrity, but that many parents were not happy with his “iron-fist” approach to running the school.


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Amy Kinney
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LostNMissing, Inc

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