Earthly Body Located: Yogi Yoswara, 31 - Big Island, HAWAII (tourist from California)

With sadness to report, the earthly body of Mr. Yogi Yoswara was located  in a river along the Hamakua coast.  He has been identified by family members as Yogi Yoswara, age 31.
Yogi, of California, who loved nature and traveling was visiting the Big Island, when he went missing more than a week ago.
Big Island firefighters found his body Monday afternoon. Fire officials say crews first spotted a rental car. The victim was located about a hundred yards down river from the car. Prayers for his family, friends and all who love and will miss him.
Cynthia Caron and the Team at LostNMissingInc.
___________Previous Report_______________________

A 31 year-old tourist from California is missing.
He was last seen on the Big Island.
►Yogi Yoswara was supposed to return home three days ago, but missed his flight.
Yogi's family is in shock by the news and is fearing the worst.
December 19 is the last time friends and family of Yogi say they heard from him.
"He likes to travel and I mean its just weird because he never loss contact with his friends or family," said Irene Yoswara, Yogi's sister.
►His family says he left for Hawaii island on December 13 and was supposed to visit Maui from December 20-26th then go back to California.
►But he never made his flight to Maui or back home.
Pastor Heintje Tjahjahe said, "loves nature, originally he wanted to go to Haiti he wanted to go to Haiti to do some volunteer work and finally he settle in Hawaii."
Yogi's family says he enjoys travelling and has gone on trips alone before.
He loves hiking and was supposed to volunteer at a church on the Big Island, but no one knows what church he planned to help.
"Usually he would text me every two or three days and give me what's going on who he spent time with and what did he do," said Tjahja.
Family says Yogi was staying at a hostel on the Big Island, but never returned after dropping off a woman he recently met there.
"I did contact with her and the police already investigate her," said Yoswara.
Yogi's family says his belongings were left in the hostel and his rental car was never returned or found.
"My original thought was that he had an accident on the 19th at night and that's why I asked the police to track from her hostel to his bed and breakfast," Tjahja said.
But, Tjahja says police found no sign of Yogi.
His family says Yogi appeared to be enjoying the trip.
"During our text and texts with other friends he was so looking forward to it when he was there he was telling us how beautiful how amazing this island is," Heintje said. "There's no indication that anything else like he was depressed no indication of that."
►Hawaii County police released a Crimestoppers bulletin describing Yogi Yoswara as 5 foot, 7 inches tall, 140 pounds, with brown eyes.
"I don't know whether he's alive or not but we want to find him. The family is very devastated right now and its very this is not Yogi," said Heintje.
Yogi's sister Irene and father are planning to visit the Big Island on Sunday and Monday to pass out fliers.

If you have any information on Yogi's whereabouts call Crimestoppers at 961-8300.

Thank you for your attention,

Amy Kinney
Distribution & Missing Alerts Manager

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