Please look out for this child. Her family desperately needs her. Normally newborn babies are abducted and “passed off as their own.” In this case, because Baby Lisa is 10 months old, be aware of any military soldiers coming home to greet a girlfriend or wife with a child that may not be his. It may be Baby Lisa. Perhaps the abductor could not find an infant “in time.” Be aware of any families that have recently “adopted” a ten month – 1 year old child. Look closely at new neighbors with a baby as it could be Lisa. She is a bit bigger than most 10 month old children and could pass, in body size, for a child a bit older.
Lisa has two bottom teeth, a small bug bite under her left ear and a beauty mark on her right outer thigh. Baby Lisa also has a cough and a cold when abducted.
Lisa was abducted from her family home some time between 10:30 pm on October 3, 2011 through 4:00 am on October 4, 2011 in Kansas City, Missouri. A screen window to her bedroom appeared to have been tampered with. Police and FBI investigating but need the general public to help.
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