Bring Home Baby Lisa Irwin

My gut believes mom and that Baby Lisa was kidnapped...
even against all the media has presented.
Here is my hypothesis as to what may have transpired the night Lisa disappeared:
Mom puts baby to bed 7:30 as she said.
She goes on computer , hot in room...opens window.
Mom gathers kids up shuts off lights shuts doors...Forgot to shut computer window.
All normal routine.
6 yr old wants to sleep with mom and new kitty. Mom says ok.
8 year old gets up at night and wants kitty....turns on all lights to look for kitty, sees mom door shut and figures will be in trouble if he wakes her so he goes back to bed. Now all the lights on.
Man/Woman come to kidnap baby that they wanted.
Man goes to open window and starts to bend inward, woman says "hey door is unlocked" gives up the window and goes in the house with woman through door.
Man sees and grabs cell phones off kitchen counter in case anyone wakes up in house and a possible confrontation may occur.
Woman gets and woman leave house.
They get in a car, possibly parked down the street..or goes to another home that is on that street.
Woman turns on phone to see if it works and maybe starts to dial a number and man grabs from her and shuts it off. Or maybe they dialed a number out purposely to make it appear mom was awake.
Dad comes home at 4am...sees lights on. Thinks wife is careless...or maybe thinks she left on due to his first midnight shift away.
He goes in house and starts shutting lights...goes to computer room...starts to shut the open window....and realizes bent frame.
Now he is wanting to know why all this goes on the first night he is not home...doesn't she have control of the kids?
Goes in bedroom a little bit irate...wakes her up and says "Why are all the lights on?' AND sees sleeping six year old.
Says "Why is he sleeping in here?" then remembers Lisa door open.
Perhaps intention was to look in on her and shut door so that she doesn't hear his voice upset.
When dad looks in he sees she is not in crib.
Asks mom "Where is Lisa?" Mom states "She is in her crib?!?"
Then all is realized, they call 9-1-1 and start looking for baby.
My prayers that I am right and Lisa is safe somewhere.
Which means YOU the public MUST look for all children Lisa's age to see if you spot her. Do not automatically assume the mother did something! We leave that to the police, but the public's job is to LOOK FOR LISA!

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