
Julie Ann Gonzalez 21 Missing Mom in Texas

Julie Ann Gonzalez, 21, the mother of a 2-year-old daughter, disappeared without a trace last seen in Austin, TX. Now, her family is pleading for help. Julie was supposed to pick-up her 2-year-old daughter from her estranged husband for her custodial weekend. She showed up, but did not take her daughter with her. Police reports state that her estranged husband said that Julie told him she had to get away for a few days and asked if he would watch their child for the weekend. She hasn't been seen since. She is 5 feet tall and 140 lbs.
Julie, a fulltime Pharmacy Technician and single mom, is described as very responsible and would not just disappear and not make contact with her mother, sister, family, friends and certainly would be there for her little girl. Posts showing up on her MySpace seemed "forced" for appearances and not in the same manner of posting, or writings, by Julie.

If you have any information, please contact the Caldwell Co. Authorities at 828-789-1559, or the FBI Missing Persons at 210-225-6741, your local police or 911.