Located safe; Cynthia "CJ" Adams 52 - Boise, Idaho

Cynthia "CJ" Adams, the 52-year-old Boise woman who went missing after a Tuesday morning doctor's appointment, was found in Clara, Miss., where she lived as a child in the 1960s.

Her husband, Mel Adams, said CJ experienced some kind of a mental breakdown and didn't know how she'd arrived in Clara, a small town where her father served as a minister. This morning, she went to a the home of people she knew in the 60s who had attended her father's church, Mel Adams said. She was disoriented and confused about how she'd arrived there, prompting them to call Mel Adams and an ambulance, he said.

She is now at a hospital, Mel said. He's making arrangements to fly somewhere near Clara, which has a population of 410, as soon as possible.

"Obviously, it's wonderful that we found her," Mel said. "She must have had a mental breakdown, for lack of a better term, because after her appointment she just headed east. She was looking for a friend who died six or seven years ago."

The disappearance came out of the blue for Mel and people who know CJ., who has longterm health problems. The couple celebrated their 27th anniversary the previous week and hadn't quarreled recently, he said. She left her service dog at home. Her cell phone rang straight to voicemail.

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