MISSING WOMAN: Elizabeth Joy Wassei, 21 - Pleasanton, CALIFORNIA (driving a 2002 red Cavalier sedan with plate 4WCX408)


A Pleasanton family is searching for a 21-year-old who borrowed her boyfriend's grandparents' car three weeks ago and disappeared.

Elizabeth Joy Wassei, an Amador Valley High graduate and Las Positas College student, borrowed the car to drive from the grandparents' home in Sonora to visit friends in Oakland on Dec. 7, according to her sister, Miriam Wassei of Pleasanton.

"She just never turned up," Miriam Wassei told Patch Saturday. "She dropped off the map."

Miriam Wassei said it was unlike her sister to not contact her family at Christmas.

"She's never not called somebody, especially during the holidays. We have a big family and we're really close," Miriam Wassei said.

►The family reported her missing on Dec. 23. She was last seen driving a 2002 red Cavalier sedan with a license plate of 4WCX408.

►She's described as 5-foot-3, weighing around 115-120 pounds. She's known as "Lizzy," "Robot Liz," "Lizzy Joy" or "Poodle Lizzy."

Anyone with information about her is asked to call 925-989-1161.


Thank you for your attention,

Amy Kinney
Distribution & Missing Alerts Manager

LostNMissing, Inc

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