MISSING MAN: Robert Steinbrecker, 24 - Cedarburg, WISCONSIN


A 24-year-old Cedarburg man, originally from Green Bay, is missing and officials need your help to find him.
Officials say Robert Steinbrecker was last seen at Cedar Creek near Boy Scout Park in Cedarburg,  early Thursday morning.

He was walking with some friends towards his home when he apparently ran away from them.
►Steinbrecker is described as a white male, six feet tall, red shoulder-length hair with blue eyes.
►He was last seen wearing a dark-green, heavy parka-like jacket, a packers knit hat and black tennis shoes

Officials say they have no leads and are suspending the search for Steinbrecker.

If you have any information, call authorities or 911.


Thank you for your attention,

Amy Kinney
Distribution & Missing Alerts Manager

LostNMissing, Inc

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ones from going missing and to bring awareness of those who are, by
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agencies across the country, on behalf of  families of missing, and help
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